+27 82 3747 215
Mon - Fri : 8AM - 5PM

Technology changed the Realtor Industry Forever

Don't lose out on opportunity, due to a fear to change. On the other side of fear lies opportunity.

The services offered by R S C originated from years of experience in Small Business Development, Financing and Turnaround Consulting. Realtors are all running their own businesses and our goal is to assist our clients to benefit from this experience, but in their Real Estate industry. We help you to:

Create extra deals until you reach maximum capacity
  • Study and use the best business models available
  • Plan change, and believe in your ability to implement it.
  • Use RSC's assistance to reach your goals.
Property Practitioner Quiz Property Principal / Owner Quiz

Reset your beliefs to match your goals

Your success should not depend on another person, place or thing. If someone else can do it, so can you.

  • Be creative in your business approach
  • Know your numbers and set realistic goals
    - Allow RSC to crunch the numbers for you. You don't have to do it yourself.
    - We help you to project the financial outcome of decisions you make today.
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Focus on what you can control

Get out of the competitive mode. You only have to compete against yourself. Be better today than yesterday, every day.

Have a positive mindset
Plan - Adapt - Do - Repeat

We Assist Dedicated Realtors to improve their lives forever.