+27 82 3747 215
Mon - Fri : 8AM - 5PM

30 +


Business Development Experience

We Assist Dedicated Realtors to improve their lives forever

The choices you make today will have an impact on your financial future. We are here to offer you relevant information, enabling you to make the right decisions.

If you work as a Realtor, you are essentially managing your own small business. Utilize our extensive expertise in business development, to establish a self-sustaining business that can continue generating income even after you retire, ensuring a secure future for your children and future generations.

Call Us: +27 82 374 7215
Are you worried about your future?

We prefer to work with Realtors who are dedicated to their future, have a receptive attitude, are flexible in the face of change, and actively strive towards financial independence.

Who are you listening to?

Are you relying on the person who's dreams you're chasing to give you advice, or are you ready to think independently, prioritize your own well-being, and pursue your own dreams?

Do you have a plan for financial independence?

Financial independence is achieved when an individual possesses adequate income or wealth, enabling them to cover their living expenses indefinitely, without the need for employment or reliance on external support.


Four Steps to Success

Do Extra deals
Do Extra deals
We start by using the PrivateBuyer.com platform, where we strive to source 2 extra deals for every deal you do through us, until you reach your full capacity.
Study the best business models
Study the best business models
Allow us to guide you in comparing an alternative business model with what you have at the moment. We will answer all your questions, and provide you with relevant study material, to make-up your own mind.
Plan your future
Plan your future
Take control of your own situation and plan for a better future. We convert the information you provide us, to show you the impact of the decisions you make today, on how much you can expect to earn in the future.
Execute your Plan
Execute your Plan
The impact of all the new technological advances on Realtors, is a game changer. To do everything yourself, becomes extremely difficult. Our Virtual Assistant services will help you deal with some of these challenges.