+27 82 3747 215
Mon - Fri : 8AM - 5PM

Working towards your financial independence

Source Extra Deals

Realtor Support Centre manages the privatebuyer.com platfrom, where they are the first to advertise what buyers or their representitives are looking for. Sellers then offer their properties to prospective buyers. Buyers and seller can be matched within minutes. Use us to find sellers for your buyers, and source extra listings.

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Search for the best Business Model

Modern technology broke down area and country borders in the Real Estate Industry. We are constantly seeking new business models to share. What we found is that you are now able to earn revenue in different countries, while being a Realtor in your local farming area, without you having to set foot in any of those countries. Want to find out how you can share in this?

Business Plan and Budgeting

By engaging with top Realtors in the world, one thing they have in common, is that their success came through proper planning and execution, consistently following it, day in and day out. You should start with the basics and we can help you with that.

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Virtual Assistance Across the Globe

Virtual Assistance with regards to lead generation is done through using the PrivateBuyer.com platform. To enable us to consult, we can use Google Meet, Zoom or My Virtual Property Hub to meet, provided we have proper internet access and able to understand each other. You are welcome to contact us to book an appointment.

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